Sunday, February 24, 2008

I'm Bored!

Right now I should be doing homework, but I don't want to. So, I decided to post. You know what, I really need to put some pictures on here. Also, I'm sad because my mp3 player isn't working. The computer says that some sort of file is missing. I really need an ipod. I also need my own room, a wii, cable t.v., a laptop, and more clothes. I wish I was rich. sigh... Well, see ya later.


haylee ann (: said...

nice. i just got an iPod...

cass said...

dont' we all wish we were rich? :D we have to get rid of cabal soon :(

KaitieBell said...

LES, I TAGGED YOU!!!!!!! go to my blog ( to find out rules and such!

Baylie Benson said...

les I have tagged thou too!!!!!!this is baylie by the way my blog is!!!come hither

Clair! said...

what kind of ipod did you get haylee?

haylee ann (: said...

hot pink 8 GB video nano